Dear lover of lezure,

My name is April, and I created Life of Lezure to demystify
jewelry buying by guiding you through the process.

The fine jewelry industry has traditionally been dominated 
by men, shrouded in secrecy and exclusivity. They’ve dictated the trends that
 we as women are expected to follow. I believe this disconnect is why people
feel confused and intimidated when buying fine jewelry. Instead, make me your 
“jewelry guy” and together we’ll decide what makes for a glamorous life. *Cue
Sheila E.*

I’m a multi-generational jeweler. My stepdad is a diamond
 dealer. And my grandmother’s family owned jewelry stores for decades. My first
 job was at the Jeweler’s Exchange in San Diego. I’ve worked at the Saks Fifth 
Avenue jewelry counter. And at a vintage watch and jewelry store on Melrose in
 Los Angeles.

Believe me when I tell you that I’ve seen some things.
 And now I want to share them with you.

With a focus on one-of-a-kind vintage jewelry, Life of
 Lezure features a curated collection of unexpected jewels. I want everyone who
 embarks on a fine jewelry journey—either for themselves or for someone else—to
 fall madly in love when they find that perfect piece. It’s the spark you need
 to live your best and most lavish life of leisure.

Connected. Curated. Cool. Come with me…

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